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School Study/and Organization/TipsforGaithersburgStudents

School Study and Organization Tips for Gaithersburg Students

December 28, 20237 min read

Student Life Survival 

It’s 9:30 on a Thursday night, you just got home from your extracurriculars after a long day of school and you’re exhausted. Tomorrow you have an essay due, two quizzes, and a really big test, so of course you start to feel stress, anxiety, and a severe lack of motivation. Of course it’s natural to feel this way from time-to-time; life has a tendency to get a little crazy! But there are things you can do to feel better prepared, feel less stressed and anxious, and enjoy school a lot more!

Study Tips

Feeling unprepared for a test or receiving a bad grade is one of the worst feelings you can have as a student. Here are some helpful tips and tricks to help you feel confident and set up for success when walking into a testing room.

  1. Make flashcards- Not only are flashcards a quick and easy way to review information, but the act of physically writing or typing them out can really improve your chances of remembering the material. Quizlet is a great resource for finding and creating flashcards!

  2. Don’t cram! We’re all guilty of waiting until the last minute to study, but try your best to break this habit! Cramming greatly decreases your long-term learning, while increasing stress and anxiety. Instead, try using a study schedule or planner. Taking a little bit of time each day to review information will make you feel better and learn much more effectively!

School Study
  1. Stay organized- Use binders, folders, notebooks in a way that will help you when it’s time to study! Nothing will make you feel unmotivated to study like not being able to find your study notes! Use highlighters, sticky notes, or other office supplies to help identify super important information.

  2. Use a study buddy- With a friend, explain material to each other, quiz one another, or simply offer support and encouragement. Remember that you’re not alone when it comes to the tricky parts of being a student.

  3. Take breaks- Rest allows our brains to compress and consolidate memories of what we just practiced. For every 30 minutes of studying, try to take a five-minute break to stretch, walk around, or have a little snack! 

  4. Get rid of distractions- While it’s totally normal to want to have your phone sitting next to you while you study, it can be really easy to start scrolling or texting while you should be getting work done. Try putting your phone or other devices out of arms reach and out of sight while you’re studying.

  5. Offer incentive- Our brains are wired to be more productive if we know we’re getting something out of it. One way to do this is by creating a few checkpoints in your notes using sticky notes. Once you’ve made it to a sticky note, you can reward yourself with a piece of candy or a short break. 

  6. Ask for help- Your teachers are there to help you if you’re having a hard time understanding anything or just need a little extra encouragement! It’s always okay to ask for help.

Time Management

Managing your time well outside of school is one of the keys to success. Instead of procrastinating, spreading out your assignments will make you less stressed, and more prepared to balance schoolwork, extracurriculars, and your social life! Here are a few ways to effectively manage your time.

  1. Make a cute/aesthetic daily planner- You’ll be more likely to use your daily planner if it has all of the information that’s important to you as well as matches your personality. Be creative using fun pens, markers, highlighters, and stickers and make it your own!

School Study
  1. Set reminders- Use your planner or phone to remind you of upcoming deadlines or events so you don’t accidentally wait until the last minute! It will be easier to manage your time if you break up certain assignments over multiple days rather than only setting a reminder for the final due date.

  2. Prioritize- Remember that you can’t get everything done at once! That will only stress you out and lead to more procrastinating. Instead, take a step back and see what is the most crucial thing that needs to be done before tackling anything else,

  3. Use a time management website- There are websites you can use like Evernote.com, that can help keep you organized. With Evernote, you can keep all of your tasks in one place, schedule events and deadlines, and even upload notes!

  4. Make time for fun!- It can be easy to get wrapped up in all of the things on our to-do list, so it’s important to remember that making time for things we enjoy is just as important! Whether that’s hanging out with friends, taking part in a hobby, or just relaxing, having some down time will greatly improve your mental health as well as give you the rest you need to feel recharged.

Dealing with stress

Studies from the American Psychological Association say that roughly 30% of the teens reported feeling overwhelmed, depressed, or sad because of their stress. With all of the responsibilities and commitments kids and teens have these days, it can be easy to see why stress levels are so high. Here are some helpful ways to help reduce those negative feelings.

  1. Prioritize sleep- Get as much sleep as you can each night and try to limit screen time right before bed. Aim for at least 8 hours a night to recharge your body and brain!

  2. Use guided imagery, meditation, breathing exercises, or Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)- All of these practices can help calm your body and clear your mind of anxious or negative thoughts. If you’re not sure where to start, YouTube has tons of videos to help guide you through one of these sessions!

  3. Exercise!- Working out has been scientifically proven to reduce stress. When you exercise, your brain releases endorphin, which are the feel-good chemicals. So aim to move your body at least 30 minutes a day, three times a week doing whatever exercises make you feel the most powerful!

  4. Eat a balanced diet- Maintaining a well balanced diet will not only give you the energy you need to get through the day, it will also help protect you from nutrient deficiencies, and boost your immune system. Make sure you’re eating lots of protein, fruits, veggies, carbs, and healthy fats!

Making the most of your school experience

When you look back on your school experience, you want to remember it full of fun, friends, and good memories. Here are a few ways to make the most of the time you have until you graduate.

  1. Join clubs/organizations- Whether it’s the dance team, chess club, or jazz ensemble, joining a group is a great way to find friends who share your interests as well as spend time doing something you enjoy!

  2. Talk to your school counselor/teachers- Your teachers and counselors are there to help in any way they can. By allowing your teachers and counselors to get to know you better, they’ll be better equipped to assist you when you most need it.

  3. Don’t be cliquey/avoid gossip- It can be super easy to fall into the habit of hanging out with the same people every day. Try challenging yourself to break out of cliquey habits and try being friends with everyone you meet; maybe try sitting with a new table at lunch, or sit next to someone in class you don’t know as well. Try not to get caught up in gossip. If your friends are starting to gossip, try to change the subject or walk away from the conversation. If your friends are saying mean things about each other, remind them that that’s not how friends treat each other. Avoiding drama will not only keep stress out of your life, but it will also make your friendships stronger.

  4. Avoid comparing yourself to others- If you start to feel like you’re comparing yourself to others, remind yourself that you are kind, amazing, talented, and perfect just the way you are. Remember that everyone learns and grows differently, and that while failure is a normal part of life, it is in no way a reflection of your self-worth. School is hard for everyone, even if they don’t always show it. Hold your head up high and know that anything is possible if you work hard and believe in yourself.

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